Saturday, November 15, 2008

Making rude remarks to the commander of U.S. submarine: 60 persen submarines transfer to deal with the Chinese and Russian

U.S., "Ohio" is to leave the nuclear submarine base in Yokosuka, Japan
A few days ago, the U.S. Navy submarine force in Australia openly declared that the United States Navy In addition to the tune of 60% of the submarine deal with China and Russia, and Australia will also join the Navy to build "the world's most lethal," the submarine force to deter China and Russia.
Full of colors such provocative remarks, the North American Chinese-language newspaper "World Journal" published an article pointing out that the U.S. military generals in the government is about to change when they make such a position on the long-term development of relations between the two countries adversely.
For the formation of the "most lethal" force under water
Nov. 8's "Australian" that the United States Navy Submarine Command commander Lieutenant General Jieyi Tang Donnelly, a few days ago at the Australian Institute of submarines at a meeting presided over a public that the U.S. submarine force in the Asia-Pacific region's largest Concern is China's military spending and the rise of weapons and equipment. China is aimed at strengthening the military conflict in the Taiwan Strait, have the ability to block third-party intervention. In order to deal with possible conflict in the Taiwan Strait, the U.S. Navy is to mobilize 60% of the nuclear submarine stationed in the Pacific Ocean to China and Russia to form an underwater deterrent force.
Lieutenant Donnelly said that China's defense budget by 2007 an increase of 17%, and this growth trend is still going on. "China is the construction of a large number of ships is causing us some concern, we would like to know what their intent is." He also claimed that China is developing a "blocking U.S. military satellites" and the United States to destroy long-range surface warships.
A few weeks ago, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Australia should step up building of the armed forces in response to an arms race in the Asia-Pacific region. However, he did a little bit out of China is a threat. In response, Major-General Donnelly said that the United States and Australia's submarine forces should join hands to form "the world's most deadly force" and Australia "Collins" class submarines will be the next military conflict to play an important role, because they No air support, can be dangerous voyage to the waters to carry out its mandate.
Military observers believe the Australia-New Zealand defense white paper released early next year, which is the important part of the construction of 12 new submarines in order to be able to after 2020 to replace the existing "Collins" class submarines. As the new submarine will be equipped with long-range cruise missiles and more advanced sonar sensors and air-independent propulsion system, so Australia has been favored by the submarine force. However, because of the high cost of manufacturing a new boat, the navy hopes that the Australian media for public support. In this case, the U.S. military generals, by playing up the mouth of Chinese naval threat, does not rule out the possibility that the intention to carry out public opinion offensive.
This position may not be combined appetite of the White House
For a long time, the United States and its allies in the Asia-Pacific advocacy of "Chinese naval threat", particularly "Chinese submarine threat" this way, as the strategic adjustment of the layout and ask for an excuse for military spending. November 10 "World Journal" commented that if the Australian media reports accurate, Donnelly's remarks are bound to cause some controversy.
First of all, Donnelly rank of lieutenant general just three weeks, if the above remarks as personal views, he has clearly exceeded the capacity of the said should not say. These remarks do not represent the position of the U.S. military. Where is transferred to the submarine, which contain one country, is the Navy's military orders and even Defense Minister duties. The task force commander of the submarine just completed combat readiness of the submarine, the smooth forces specific areas, the implementation of orders from their superiors.
Furthermore, if Donnelly is the representative of the U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense issued a statement, that is, to convey the U.S. government's official policy, the selected time is not appropriate. Obama has been elected as the next president, Bush is about to leave the future of national defense should be Obama's foreign policy decisions. If Donnelly on behalf of the U.S. military, openly claim that the mobilization of 60 submarines in the Pacific to deal with China, as if the two armed forces has been confrontation between the U.S. and China and return to the Cold War era. The White House's new owners may not be willing to do so for the Chinese position.
On the other hand, despite Donnelly's will be open to question the timing and wording, but it can not be denied that what he said was his heart, also on behalf of the U.S. part of the voice of high-ranking officers. At present, the Russian naval power and has been a huge difference from the Soviet era, that the Americans only have the ability to contend with the U.S. is China's navy, the submarine force the Chinese side is the object of their fear. The question is, why should Chinese military expansion year after year, with the intention to build a navy ocean it? "World Journal", wrote the article, the U.S. military to take into account mainland China's naval forces over Taiwan several times long ago, Beijing's long-term intention is clearly in the Taiwan Strait, that is, the United States has always been regarded as the inland sea in the western Pacific. As the only post-Cold War world maritime power of the United States, of course, to end tension.
On the other hand, the U.S. military was on the Chinese military's progress so "nervous" and also to a large extent because of the cold war ideology is indeed cause trouble. Pacific is not the United States own the pond, China to safeguard national interests and building of ocean-going navy, had not violated any laws or international conventions, there is no reason to interfere in Washington.
"World Journal", the article also concluded that politically conservative and Bush, Obama came to power, what would the U.S. military in the Pacific region, what strategic adjustment? I believe the United States and China are all waiting anxiously for the military.
Sitting on the world's most powerful submarine force, the U.S. Navy for antisubmarine warfare Research continues to spare no effort and has been looking for a suitable imaginary enemy. Published in the United States in April, "National Defense Magazine" (National Defense), contains the text, should be urged more research and development of new anti-submarine equipment, in order to cope with the sustained development of China's conventional submarines. According to the Japanese Foreign Ministry disclosed that the U.S. nuclear-powered submarine, "Providence" in at 10 o'clock on the 10th about to enter Japan's southern Okinawa Baidi naval base, and left before noon, prior notification in accordance with the practice in Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement: "The United States submarines to enter our ports, must be at least 24 hours to inform the Japanese government." Japan in a rare protest to the United States, the United States Embassy in Japan to respond quickly, saying the United States for the communication by the Navy submarine caused by adverse events apologize.
According to Canada, "Daily Mail" reported on August 31, GE Shipping Company on August 29 at the shipyard held a brief news conference, President Yuehankaixi presided over the ceremony to pay shipping. He said: "The submarine is all the construction workers and designers of technology and wisdom, their excellent work for the defense industry has made tremendous contributions."
坐拥当今世界上最强大的水下力量,美国海军对反潜作战的研究仍然不遗余力,并一直寻找合适的假想敌。4月出版的美国《国防月刊》(National Defence),载文,力主应研发更多新式反潜装备,以便应付持续发展的中国常规潜艇。

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